Call centers robots fritzbox 7490 DTMF TRASMISSION

Ok you call a call center or an office which is requiring you to push some buttons on the dealer ? and it doesnt’ fuckin work with the silly fritzbox well well well

so go to your router a address long in

then go telephony ===>telephon number= > you should see your telephone number , click on edit icon on the right under TELEPHONY PROVIDER you need to choose OTHER , yes i know , you have the right one but with this you can edit the option which are not available otherwise ====> Finally scroll down untill you see DTMF TRASMISSION and try to choose IN-BAND it should work then , if it doesn’t try other option but in my country IN-BAND It’s the correct one !

kubuntu hud

if you need to search in the menu for example in kate or kdenlive or krita this can be handy try it

everything is well explanied in the link

in the future however they have added a new feature that’s it very nice and for that you have to have the last kde i guess i am runnin kubuntu lts so i will simply use the Zren version the next lts i will enjoy the new code !!

kate snippet location kde kubuntu

If you like kate editor like me and you are lazy like me expecially to write code well you would like to create snippets and so if you want save your snippets in some other location here it is :

location :


Then of course you need to go in CONFIGURE KATE , PLUGINS , CHECK SNIPPETS TOOL VIEW